The Last Christmas Tree

Game jam entry: This game was created for the 2022 Toy Box Jam. This is game is not feature complete nor was it really playtested. It's a jam entry so take what you get :)

Grinches have destroyed all but one Christmas tree. You must help the elves save the last Christmas tree!

This is tower defense game where you can move blue tosser elves into any position while you also have to use the red scout elf to dig up snow and keep the tossers stocked with snowballs.


  • D-pad to move the red scout elf and blue tosser elves
  • When red scout, hold X button to move quicker under the snow
  • When red scout, press O button to dig up snow. When your snow is full, return it to the North Pole so it can be made into snowballs.
  • When scout, press X button when you're near a blue tosser elf to take control of the tosser. Move the tosser into position and press X again to place him and switch back to the scout elf.

Tosser elves will attack automatically when the grinches are in range. The squares you dig up will slow the grinches down but those grass spots will get covered with snow after some time.

Green grinches are faster but weak. Red grinches are slower but stronger.

If a grinch reaches the Christmas tree it will attack until he dies. The Christmas tree has 100 health points. If it reaches zero, Christmas is lost forever.

Play on your PICO-8

You can download the PICO-8 cart from this page or you can look for the game in Splore or just enter load #lastxmastree from the commandline.


PICO-8 Cartridge 27 kB

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